Reading List

Software Developer (web, C++, Go, Linux)

A detail from a constructivist drawing of mine


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- C++ Books


Pages read: 463 as of the beginning of August 2023

  1. The Design and Evolution of C++, by Bjarne Stroustrup

  2. Beautiful C++, by J. Guy Davidson & Kate Gregory

  3. The Elements of C++ Style, by Misfeldt, Bumgardner, & Gray

  4. C++ Pocket Reference, by Kyle Loudon

  5. Modern C++ Programming with Test Driven Development, by Jeff Langr

  6. Building Your Own Compiler with C++, by Jim Holmes

  7. C++20 for Lazy Programmers, by Will Briggs

  8. Algorithms in C++, Parts 1-4, by Robert Sedgewick with Christopher J. Van Wick

  9. Unix Haters Handbook (with a chapter on C++, "The COBOL of the 90s"), edited by Garfinkel, Weise, & Strassmann

  10. Jason Turner's Object Lifetime Puzzlers, by Jason Turner

  11. The Black Art of 3D Game Programming

  12. Make: Jumpstarting C, by Wolfram Donat


- General Programming Books


Pages read: 542 as of the beginning of August, 2023

  1. Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, by Douglas Hofstadter

  2. A Philosophy of Software Design, by John Ousterhout

  3. Abstracting Away the Machine: The History of the Fortran Programming Language, by Mark Jones Lorenzo

  4. Selected Writings on Computing: A Personal Perspective, by Edsger W. Dijkstra

  5. The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. I: Fundamental Algorithms, by Donald Knuth

  6. The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. III: Sorting & Searching, by Donald Knuth

  7. Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About, by Donald Knuth

  8. The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants, by Prusinkiewicz & Lindenmayer

  9. The Design of Well-Structured & Correct Programs, by Arbib & Alagic

  10. Chess Skill in Man & Machine, edited by R.W. Frey

  11. The Science of Programming, by Gries

  12. A Basis for Theoretical Computer Science

  13. Compiler Construction, by Waite & Goos

  14. The Design & Construction of Compilers, by Hunter

  15. Software Tools, by Kernighan & Plauger

  16. Software Tools with Pascal, by Kernighan & Plauger

  17. Millions, Billions, Zillions, by Brian Kernighan

  18. Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software, by Petzold

  19. Blackwell's Philosophy of Technology: The Technological Condition: An Anthology, edited by Scharff & Dusek

  20. Unix: The Textbook, by Sarwar, Koretsky, & Sarwar

  21. The Unix Hater's Handbook, edited by Garfinkel, Weise, & Strassmann

  22. Computers, Ethics, & Society, by Ermann, Williams, & Shauf

  23. Ethics in Information Technology, by Reynolds

  24. Seven Web Frameworks in Seven Weeks, by Moffitt & Daoud

  25. Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks, by Butcher

  26. Introduction to Languages, Machines, & Logic, by Parkes

  27. The Philosophy of Set Theory: A Historical Introduction to Cantor's Paradise, by Mary Tiles

  28. Set Theory: An Open Introduction, edited by Tim Button

  29. Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, by Bertrand Russell

  30. A Realistic Theory of Categories, by Roderick Chisholm

  31. How to Speak Tech: The Non-Techie's Guide to Key Technology Concepts, by Vinay Trivedi & Others

  32. Oxford's Very Short Introduction: Godel's Theorem, by A.W. Moore


- Books on Programming Languages


Pages read: [more than 209, but I haven't added it up yet]

  1. The Go Programming Language, by Donovan & Kernighan

  2. Introducing Go, by Doxsey

  3. Programming in Modula-2, by Niklaus Wirth

  4. Introduction to occam 2 on the Transputer, by Brookes & Stewart

  5. A Fortran Coloring Book, by Roger Kaufman

  6. Adventure in Prolog, by Dennis Merritt

  7. Lisp, by Horn & Winston

  8. Common Lisp, by Guy Steele

  9. Learning Perl

  10. Perl Programming

  11. Higher Order Perl

  12. Mastering Regular Expressions

  13. Programing Erlang, by Joe Armstrong

  14. Erlang & OTP in Action

  15. Erlang Programming

  16. Building Web Applications with Erlang, by Zachary Kessin

  17. Seven Languages in Seven Weeks, by Bruce Tate

  18. Elements of ML Programming, by Ullman

  19. APL: The Langauge & Its Usage

  20. sed & awk Pocket Reference

  21. Perl Pocket Reference


- Audiobooks on Coding


  1. Learn C++ Quickly, by Code Quickly (audiobook, x3)

  2. The Second Age of Computer Science: from algol genes to neural nets, by Subrata Dasgupta (audiobook)

  3. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, by Thomas S. Kuhn (first physical copy, recently audiobook)

  4. Coders At Work: Reflections on the Craft of Programming, by Peter Seibel (audiobook, x3)

  5. Becoming an Ethical Hacker, by Gary Rivlin (audiobook)

  6. Kingdom of Characters: The Language Revolution that Made China Modern, by Jing Tsu (audiobook)

  7. Oxford's Very Short Introduction to Logic, by Graham Priest (first physical copy, recently audiobook x2)

  8. Oxford's Very Short Introduction to Cryptography, by Fred C. Piper & Sean Murphy (audiobook, x3)

  9. mostly unfinished Audiobooks:

  10. Designing Data-Intensive Applications, by Martin Kleppmann

  11. Fundamentals of Software Architecture, by Richards & Ford (audiobook)

  12. Understanding Software, by Max Kanat-Alexander (audiobook)

  13. Software Engineering at Google, Titus Winters, et al (audiobook)

  14. A Vulnerable System: The History of Information Security in the Computer Age, by Andrew J. Stewart (audiobook)

  15. How the Internet Happened: From Netscape to the iPhone, by Brian McCullough (audiobook)

  16. Oxford's Very Short Introduction to Fractals, by Falconer (audiobook)

  17. Oxford's Very Short Introduction to Game Theory, by Binmore (audiobook)

  18. Oxford's Very Short Introduction to Numbers, by Higgins (audiobook)

  19. The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series: Robots, by Jordan (audiobook)

  20. Code Girls: The Untold Story of the American Women Code Breakers of World War II, by Liza Mundy (audiobook)
