Pages read: 463 as of the beginning of August 2023
- The Design and Evolution of C++, by Bjarne Stroustrup
- Beautiful C++, by J. Guy Davidson & Kate Gregory
- The Elements of C++ Style, by Misfeldt, Bumgardner, & Gray
- C++ Pocket Reference, by Kyle Loudon
- Modern C++ Programming with Test Driven Development, by Jeff Langr
- Building Your Own Compiler with C++, by Jim Holmes
- C++20 for Lazy Programmers, by Will Briggs
- Algorithms in C++, Parts 1-4, by Robert Sedgewick with Christopher J. Van Wick
- Unix Haters Handbook (with a chapter on C++, "The COBOL of the 90s"), edited by Garfinkel, Weise, & Strassmann
- Jason Turner's Object Lifetime Puzzlers, by Jason Turner
- The Black Art of 3D Game Programming
- Make: Jumpstarting C, by Wolfram Donat
Pages read: 542 as of the beginning of August, 2023
- Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, by Douglas Hofstadter
- A Philosophy of Software Design, by John Ousterhout
- Abstracting Away the Machine: The History of the Fortran Programming Language, by Mark Jones Lorenzo
- Selected Writings on Computing: A Personal Perspective, by Edsger W. Dijkstra
- The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. I: Fundamental Algorithms, by Donald Knuth
- The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. III: Sorting & Searching, by Donald Knuth
- Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About, by Donald Knuth
- The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants, by Prusinkiewicz & Lindenmayer
- The Design of Well-Structured & Correct Programs, by Arbib & Alagic
- Chess Skill in Man & Machine, edited by R.W. Frey
- The Science of Programming, by Gries
- A Basis for Theoretical Computer Science
- Compiler Construction, by Waite & Goos
- The Design & Construction of Compilers, by Hunter
- Software Tools, by Kernighan & Plauger
- Software Tools with Pascal, by Kernighan & Plauger
- Millions, Billions, Zillions, by Brian Kernighan
- Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software, by Petzold
- Blackwell's Philosophy of Technology: The Technological Condition: An Anthology, edited by Scharff & Dusek
- Unix: The Textbook, by Sarwar, Koretsky, & Sarwar
- The Unix Hater's Handbook, edited by Garfinkel, Weise, & Strassmann
- Computers, Ethics, & Society, by Ermann, Williams, & Shauf
- Ethics in Information Technology, by Reynolds
- Seven Web Frameworks in Seven Weeks, by Moffitt & Daoud
- Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks, by Butcher
- Introduction to Languages, Machines, & Logic, by Parkes
- The Philosophy of Set Theory: A Historical Introduction to Cantor's Paradise, by Mary Tiles
- Set Theory: An Open Introduction, edited by Tim Button
- Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy, by Bertrand Russell
- A Realistic Theory of Categories, by Roderick Chisholm
- How to Speak Tech: The Non-Techie's Guide to Key Technology Concepts, by Vinay Trivedi & Others
- Oxford's Very Short Introduction: Godel's Theorem, by A.W. Moore
Pages read: [more than 209, but I haven't added it up yet]
- The Go Programming Language, by Donovan & Kernighan
- Introducing Go, by Doxsey
- Programming in Modula-2, by Niklaus Wirth
- Introduction to occam 2 on the Transputer, by Brookes & Stewart
- A Fortran Coloring Book, by Roger Kaufman
- Adventure in Prolog, by Dennis Merritt
- Lisp, by Horn & Winston
- Common Lisp, by Guy Steele
- Learning Perl
- Perl Programming
- Higher Order Perl
- Mastering Regular Expressions
- Programing Erlang, by Joe Armstrong
- Erlang & OTP in Action
- Erlang Programming
- Building Web Applications with Erlang, by Zachary Kessin
- Seven Languages in Seven Weeks, by Bruce Tate
- Elements of ML Programming, by Ullman
- APL: The Langauge & Its Usage
- sed & awk Pocket Reference
- Perl Pocket Reference
- Learn C++ Quickly, by Code Quickly (audiobook, x3)
- The Second Age of Computer Science: from algol genes to neural nets, by Subrata Dasgupta (audiobook)
- The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, by Thomas S. Kuhn (first physical copy, recently audiobook)
- Coders At Work: Reflections on the Craft of Programming, by Peter Seibel (audiobook, x3)
- Becoming an Ethical Hacker, by Gary Rivlin (audiobook)
- Kingdom of Characters: The Language Revolution that Made China Modern, by Jing Tsu (audiobook)
- Oxford's Very Short Introduction to Logic, by Graham Priest (first physical copy, recently audiobook x2)
- Oxford's Very Short Introduction to Cryptography, by Fred C. Piper & Sean Murphy (audiobook, x3)
mostly unfinished Audiobooks:
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications, by Martin Kleppmann
- Fundamentals of Software Architecture, by Richards & Ford (audiobook)
- Understanding Software, by Max Kanat-Alexander (audiobook)
- Software Engineering at Google, Titus Winters, et al (audiobook)
- A Vulnerable System: The History of Information Security in the Computer Age, by Andrew J. Stewart (audiobook)
- How the Internet Happened: From Netscape to the iPhone, by Brian McCullough (audiobook)
- Oxford's Very Short Introduction to Fractals, by Falconer (audiobook)
- Oxford's Very Short Introduction to Game Theory, by Binmore (audiobook)
- Oxford's Very Short Introduction to Numbers, by Higgins (audiobook)
- The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series: Robots, by Jordan (audiobook)
- Code Girls: The Untold Story of the American Women Code Breakers of World War II, by Liza Mundy (audiobook)