Language Learning Experience
Software Developer (web, C++, Go, Linux)
Language Learning
(sorted roughly by showing the languages I know best, first)
Main Experience
- DuoLingo: 60388 XP, 530 crowns
- Lingvist app: German (from English)
- Total Time Spent:
- 129 hours, 37 minutes
- 80% words of any text (3396 words)
- Mango Languages: 37 hours, 52 minutes
- Memorizing passages from the following in German:
- Ludwig Wittgenstein's Philosophische Untersuchungen
- The Selected Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke, edited and translated by Stephen Mitchell
- A few Psalms and Proverbs, from the 1912 Lutherbibel
- 2 Semesters of Beginning German in collge (though unfortunately I didn't learn much in them)
Secondary Resources
- Die Rainer Maria Rilke Box, a German reading of Rilke's poems through Audible
- Daodejing (Tao Te Ching), by Lao Tzu, narrated in German by Redaer
- Lingvist App: English (from German)
- Total Time Spent:
- 59 mins
- 66% words of any text (990 words)
- Some German songs, like "Kuessen Verboten," by Die Prinz, or "Kompass," by Madsen.
- A handful of German films...
- ...I know there are more I'm forgetting currently, as I'm pretty committed to finding and using resources
Main Experience
- DuoLingo: 58525 XP, 90 crowns
- Udemy: Japanese101Pod, Video Course: 85% complete
- Behind the Wheel - Japanese, audiobook: 54 hours
- Mango Languages: 40 hours, 39 minutes
- TravelTalk Japanese, audiobook: 10 hours 20 minutes
Secondary Resources
Lingvist app: English (from Japanese):
- Total Time Spent:
- 6 hrs 24 mins
- 30% words of any text (179 words)
Lingvist app: Japanese (from English):
- Total Time Spent:
- [Not yet started]
- [?]% words of any text ([?] words)
Collins 40 Minute Japanese: 1 hour, 35 minutes
Listening to the Innovative Languages Japanese Audio
Resources and Podcast [unmeasured in time]
Listening to the Judeo-Christian Psalms, and the books of Obadiah,
Philemon, and 1st John in Japanese [unmeasured in time]
Japanese Language Writing Practice Book
A Guide to Reading & Writing Japanese (Revised Edition)
Random House Japanese-English / English-Japanese Dictionary
Main Experience
- DuoLingo: 21662 XP
- The Psalms in Welsh audio from's Salmau Project on Soundcloud
- Bludbird Languages: [Unmeasured]
- (I wish it counted for something, towards learning Welsh, that I love poetry
by Dylan Thomas and R.S.Thomas - but they both wrote in English)
Biblical Hebrew
Main Experience
- Mango Languages: 43 hours, 35 minutes
- I have listened a lot (without measuring) to the Tehilim (Psalms) in Hebrew
- I read from a Schottenstein Tehilim and have a nice Readers Tanakh (Old Testament)
- Pennington's Old Testament Hebrew Vocabulary, recording: [unmeasured]
- Ginoskos app: Total points, 470,785
- Biblical Hebrew
- Koine Greek
- Latin
- Babel Flashcards app: [unmeasured]
Main Experience
- DuoLingo: 11154 XP
- Lingvist App: French (from English)
- Total Time Spent:
- 15 hrs 3 mins
- 70% words of any text (774 words)
Secondary Resources
- Mango Languages: 8 hours, 51 minutes
- Lingvist App: English (from French)
- Total Time Spent:
- 17 mins
- 18% words of any text (66 words)
- French for Dummies, audiobook: 1 hour, 27 minutes
Main Experience
- DuoLingo: 4523 XP
- Lingvist app: Spanish (from English)
- Total Time Spent:
- 5 hrs 45 mins
- 23% words of any text (230 words)
- Lingvist app: Spanish (from German)
- Total Time Spent:
- 15 minutes
- 13% words of any text (33 words)
- I can get by surprisingly trippingly for someone who has hardly studying Spanish formally.
- I took a class or two of Spanish in high school.
Mandarin Chinese
Main Experience
- Mango Languages: 14 hours, 23 minutes
- Easy Mandarin Chinese Course for Beginners: 2 hours 55 minutes
- In-Flight Mandarin Chinese: 3 hours, 1 minute
- TravelTalk Chinese Mandarin, audiobook: 1 hour
- DuoLingo: 1610 XP
A Smattering of Some of My Other Language Experience
Main Experience
- DuoLingo, Total XP: 186801 XP
- Arabic: 9858 XP
- Latin: 6713 XP
- Swedish: 5332 XP
- Hindi: 2880 XP
- Mango Languages:
- Nigerian Igbo: 4 hours, 8 minutes
- Koine Greek: 4 hours, 29 minutes
- Latin: 4 hours, 23 minutes
- Lingvist app: Estonian (from English)
- Total Time Spent:
- --17 minutes
- --(22 words)